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Inclement Weather (Snow) Information

At times, school operating hours or school bus transportation services may be adjusted or canceled due to bad weather. If inclement weather—like snow or ice—makes a school schedule change necessary, the decision will be made by the Superintendent and communicated by phone, text, and email to families and staff by 5:30 a.m.:

  • Call/email/text to all families/staff
  • Renton School District website and all school websites

If there is no change to the school day, and schools are operating on regular schedule, we will not call/email families or staff.

Be sure your contact information is correct

Families and staff should ensure the school and district has their most current contact information in order to receive the call/email/text. Families can update contact information (phone/text/email) through Skyward Family Access.

Also, please remember that schools have limited phone lines and staff to answer phone calls: please reserve calls to your student's school for those that are most urgent.

Types of school schedule changes due to weather

If snow or ice cause changes in the school day, here are the options we choose from:

Renton School District Staff Info

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Snow Make-Up Days